Last day we have been share about "How to make hello word on C++". Now we want to sharing again about how to "HOW TO MAKE HELLO WORD" but on Java.
For do that, follow this step by step.
2. and then you just write the syntax code like on this box. "Be careful on Caps character"
3. after that, run the program.
ok, we think that's all. and read about the other articles on this site.
thank you
For do that, follow this step by step.
2. and then you just write the syntax code like on this box. "Be careful on Caps character"
public class NewClass {
public static void main (String []args){
System.out.println("Hello word"){
public static void main (String []args){
System.out.println("Hello word"){
3. after that, run the program.
ok, we think that's all. and read about the other articles on this site.
thank you